Sunday, April 20, 2008

Two Phutak Trees

It was a hot stuffy afternoon on 16th April, and I was sitting before a notebook working in mum's house.

Joel was behind me, standing on the sofa looking out of the window at a tree that was just pruned earlier in the day. He was mumbling to himself again, this time something about a "phutak tree". As I turned around to ask him what was he looking at, he pointed to his "phutak tree" ,which I realised was the pruned tree with most branches shortened and barely any leaves left. Then he shared that there's two "phutak trees". (Which meant "Botak" as in bald).

When I asked him where is the second "phutak tree", he quickly got down from the sofa and ushered me "Mummy, come .....follow me!". He pulled me to the hall and looked out of the window facing the same direction, and pointed " There! Mummy, there's TWO PHUTAK TREES! " Argh! He meant the same "Phutak tree" but out of two different windows!

Isn't he innocent!

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