Friday, April 4, 2008

How it all started ...

This blog site is a start in celebration of two new babies to our family, named Ethan and Noelle who are just two mins apart in birth.

With their addition to the family, we had learnt alot along the way. Especially who are the ones that would be there for you through weals and woes. This has indeed posted a test to the strength of the relationships amongst friends and family.

Yes, you might be wondering "So what with two newborns? How difficult could it be? Why the need for such a fuss?"

The learning is, having two cranky/colicy babies, together with an active, curious, sometimes jealous 3 yr old toddler under one roof is beyond just myself and husband can manage. This would be a blog to also share and look back to some of the fun and challenges we had encountered, and hope this would be helpful information to families expecting new borns, especially twins.

Would like to make a deep felt thanks to the families and friends that have contributed so much of their valuable time and effort in helping us tide through these period. Especially to my mummy dearest whom has graciously sacrifised even her sleep to help look after Ethan for these past month.

Special Thanks to my bubbly hubby that has made these times more tolerable and fun! And thank you so much for pulling me along through the periods of depression(By turning your back and walk away to let me tear in peace! Haha)

We'll have so much more sunny bright days ahead with the kids!

Getting Started ....

It took me awhile to decide on where to start my blog, content of the blog site, and how should the layout be? As usual, too much of a thinker, then to just let the hands take over.

Eventually, I decided to just let the information flow, and just jump onto any bandwagon that facilitates the services free. Thus, here goes nothing.

Do keep coming back and click away!!