Monday, May 12, 2008

Guilt of a mother ...

Finally! An accomplishment! At least for little old me.

It's such a common trival matter! So what's the fuss about? My babies have parted from sleeping with me for 5 consecutive nights!

If it had not been due to Joel down with flu for so many days, I would still be insisting to have the twins in the same room with us every night, and me waking up now and then to "strategically" shift the babies from bouncers after feed to bed n the "sarong", then back to bouncers again after feeds, all just because there's insufficient bed space for everyone.

Yaya, it sounded so tiring and messy. But I guess it's all efforts for me to salvage however much motherly effort I had to give, and ensure they are safe and sound asleep every night. Putting them with the maid would make me feel that I am not fulfilling my duty as a mother as we are already spending our days in the offices. And I would feel like I am shutting the two little babies out from us, shuffing them with the maid! n age is also catching up for me. So much so, I am having stys on both my eyes, at first the right, and now the left!!!Toxic toxic....

Maybe I should work out a system with the maid on the sleeping arrangement to strike a balance, so that we all get some rests and I won't feel so guility.